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Серия книг «Международные стандарты -
народному хозяйству России


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 Handbooks about International Standards

 There are books of the series of handbooks of Russian Federal agency on technical regulating and metrology (Rosstandart)

[Изображение продукта][Изображение продукта]The first book in the series "Corrosion and corrosion protection. Encyclopedia of international standards" was published in 1994. In 1998 Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering published this book was in Japanese. Second edition of book "Corrosion and corrosion protection. Encyclopedia of international standards"  was published in 1999 (third edition in 2013). In 2003 UK’s Maney Publishing House on behalf of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining published this book in English - "Encyclopaedia of international corrosion standards" (British Library System Number 009720284, Library of Congress Control Number LCCN 2004296600).

Handbook on ISO 14000 standards was published in 1997. In 1998 first edition the book "Paint and surface coatings. Encyclopedia of international standards" was published, in 1999 - "Powder metallurgy. Encyclopedia of international standards". Second edition of the book "Paint and surface coatings. Encyclopedia of international standards" was published in 2008.

In 2001 the books "Soil. Inspection of quality and ecological safety according to international standards" and "Grain. Quality and safety inspection according to international standards" were published. In 2002 second edition of the book "Air. Pollution control according to international standards" (first edition, 1994) was published.

In 2010 the fourth edition of the book "Water. Inspection of chemical, bacteriological and radiation safety according to international standards" (first edition in 1992, second edition in 1995, third edition in 2000) was published and in 2011 first Russian handbook "Milk and milk products. Encyclopedia of international standards" was published.

In 2006 the book "Petroleum and petroleum products. Encyclopedia of international standards" and in 2012 the book "Oil and gas encyclopedia of international standards" was published.

Second edition of book "Powder metallurgy. Encyclopedia of international standards" was published in 2015. In 2017 the book "Food. Requirements for quality control and safety according international and european standards" was published.

In 2021, the book "Encyclopedia of international standards ISO" was published. This publication is the first in Russia and in the world a guide to international standards, created by the International Organization for Standardization ISO for 75 years of existence.


 Contact information:

Dr. G. Fomin

Protector Ltd,

E mail: protec@list.ru


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